End of Warranty Inspection

About this Service:
Did you purchase a new home? If so, you automatically get a one-year warranty from the builder. Within that time, the builder will repair any of the major items that have failed. But you must inform them before the 12 month warranty expires. Therefore, to be within this 12 month warranty period, a home inspection should be performed around the 10-11th month after you purchase your home. This gives you time to have a warranty home inspection and for the builder to make the repairs, at his expense, before the 12 month warranty is up.
Or perhaps you purchased a pre-existing home and the Seller provided a one-year warranty as part of the sale. In this case, you also must notify the Home Warranty Company of any defects within the 12-month period for them to authorize and pay for repairs.
In either case, Inspector Pro is your best source to inspect and report on the condition of your home so that you can request repairs with the home warranty company, if needed.